>> 2009年6月10日 星期三



The 360-degree panoramic round shot has becomes one of art community’s hottest topics in recent years. After a few glimpses of the actual product have been offered at numerous commercial expos, the public no longer considers it far-fetched technology. However, the technology is still far from affordable: Without depending on subsidies, the technology is effectively unavailable. Instead of putting it into practical use, the creative professionals end up admiring the technology from a distance.

To overcome such difficulty, Etat Lab (Etat Art & Culture Corporation) formed a R&D team with artist Chia-hsiang Lee to develop state-of-art technology, ¼ less than the current market price. The product will be the next solution for replay and the 360-degree round shot of the near future.

At the end of 2008, the team has set up an actual scene of the experimental back stage at the DAC. It comprises an surround audio-visual system of 8 projectors to provide the most critical but essential features: “
Exposure Control” and “Image Stitching” for panoramic projection.

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